He Reached The State of Siddiqeen
The Holy Prophet MuhammadMustafaSallallahu alaihi wa Sallam is the last Prophet, there is no prophet after him. But people can still aspire to spiritual progress, acquire taqwa (piety) and saintliness and become Awliya Allah (friends of Allah). And the highest spiritual state after anbiya (prophets), belongs to the Siddiqeen (the truthful) that is why the Holy Prophet taught us to make the dua:Allahummaj 'alna min-as-Siddiqeen (O Allah make us among the truthful). Well, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh manifested to the world that he ranked among the siddiqeen at the ripe age of 18. At that age, his thirst for knowledge and eagerness for the company of the Awliya Allah took him to the city of Baghdad.
Sayyid Hajji Abdul Raheem Bin Sayyid Muhammad Ismail Shirazi has captured the essence of this incident most beautifully in the following verses of his Urdu poem on the Gauth-al-A'zam:
Choron pay tum nay kar kay tawajjoh Abdaal banaaya 'aali shaan
Yaa Gauth-al-A'zam ajab tumhaaree shaan
" Focusing your spiritual glance at the thieves You turned them into great saints O, the great helper, your stature is truly astounding "
(Gulzare Tayyiba, vol 3, p 18)
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