Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)
"The best of men is the person who is most beneficial to others"
'"Everything that you rely on, every person you afraid of or you keep that trust in, becomes your God."
"Many wealthy people because of greed are poor and needy, in reality the brave person is he who wrestles and defeats the devil of greed and thereafter becomes independent and without want of need from this material World"
"Your most real enemies are the greed, the envy and the jealousy that live in your heart. These are the soldiers of the instigating self (an-nafs al-ammara)"
"There are 3 types of creation 1. Angels 2. The Devil 3. Man. The Angels are entirely good and the devil is entirely bad. Man is a mixture of good and bad. Whoever is overcome with good he can be likened to an Angel and whoever is overcome with evil he can be likened to the devil"
"Be happy in the changes and choices that the creator made for you. If you stay in this manner with him then he will definitely change your fears and horrors"
Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui
"After years of serious thinking, I have come to the conclusion that the real cause of human strife and wars consists in selfishness, on the one hand and the forgetfulness of God on the other. When people begin to act in utter self-interest, when the social obligations are forgotten, when one can stoop down so low as to pursue one's interests at the cost of the rights of the other, harmony and concord recede in the background."
" We all experience it in our daily lives that whenever we break the physiological laws of nature, we feel ill and have to endure bodily pain. Similarly is the case of the divinely-ordained moral laws. By breaking them, we invite nothing else than misery. If one breaks the heart of someone today, one must be ready to suffer a similar pain tomorrow."
Rabia al-Adawiyya
“Your prayers are your light;
Your devotion is your strength;
Sleep is the enemy of both.
Your life is the only opportunity that life can give you.
If you ignore it, if you waste it,
You will only turn to dust.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
“Only from the heart Can you touch the sky.”
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Farid ud din Attar
“He who would know the secret of both worlds,
Will find the secret of them both, is Love.”
“Do all you can to become a bird of the Way to God;
Do all you can to develop your wings and your feathers.”
"If You Will But AspireYou Will Attain To All That You Desire.Before An Atom Of Such Need The SunSeems Dim And Mirky By Comparison.It Is Life's Strength, The Wings By Which We FlyBeyond The Further Reaches Of The Sky."
Al Hasan al Basri
"The friends of God (awliya) are those who renounce this world and attain true knowledge of God"
"Saying of the Mulla Nasrudin. If I survive this life without dying, I'll be surprised."
"Ordinary humanity tries to find truth by methods as unsuitable as attempting to climb into the sky with a rope."
"My heart sits on the Arm of God like a tethered falcon, suddenly unhooded."
"My heart sits on the Arm of God like a tethered falcon, suddenly unhooded."
“What we speak becomes the house we live in.”
“The heart is a
The thousand-stringed instrument
That can only be tuned with
“A seeker went to ask a sage for guidance on the Sufi way.
The sage counseled,
"if you have never trodden the path of love, go away and fall in love;
then come back and see us.”
"Whether your destiny is glory or disgrace,
Purify yourself of hatred and love of self.
Polish your mirror; and that sublime Beauty
From the regions of mystery
Will flame out in your heart
As it did for the saints and prophets.
Then, with your heart on fire with that Splendor,
The secret of the Beloved will no longer be hidden."
The thousand-stringed instrument
That can only be tuned with
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“A seeker went to ask a sage for guidance on the Sufi way.
The sage counseled,
"if you have never trodden the path of love, go away and fall in love;
then come back and see us.”
"Whether your destiny is glory or disgrace,
Purify yourself of hatred and love of self.
Polish your mirror; and that sublime Beauty
From the regions of mystery
Will flame out in your heart
As it did for the saints and prophets.
Then, with your heart on fire with that Splendor,
The secret of the Beloved will no longer be hidden."
Ibn Arabi
"Each person is oriented toward a quest for his personal invisible guide, or . . . he entrusts himself to the collective, magisterial authority as the intermediary between himself and Revelation."
"The Beloved becomes a mirror reflecting the secret face of the mystic lover, while the lover, purified of the opacity of his ego, becomes in turn a mirror of the attributes and actions of the Beloved."
“Be contented with what you possess in life; be thankful for what does not belong to you, for it is so much care the less; but try to obtain what you need in life, and make the best of every moment of your life.”
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
"The more you make yourselves humble and ask for forgiveness, the more your true exaltedness is seen. Humility is a sign of exaltedness. The preface of a spotlessly pure heart (Iman-Islam) is patience (sabur), contentment and gratitude (shakur), having trust in God (tawakkal), and praising Him for everything that happens to us, saying, “Al-hamdu lillah!” Therefore, without feeling shame, ask forgiveness whenever necessary. This will be good. Allah, the Lone One who rules and sustains (Allahu ta’ala Nayan), will protect you and me."
Al Ghazali
"Desires make slaves out of kings and patience makes kings out of slaves"
"Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited"
"O Allah, You created me when I was not worthy of mention;
And You provided for me when I had nothing;
And I wronged my soul and sinned, and I confess my guilt.
If You forgive me, that will in no way diminish Your sovereignty;
And if You punish me, that will in no way augment Your authority.
You can find others to punish besides me,
But I can find no one to forgive me but You.
Truly, You are the most merciful of those who show mercy."
You have learnt so much
And read a thousand books.
Have you ever read your Self?
You have gone to mosque and temple.
Have you ever visited your soul?
You are busy fighting Satan.
Have you ever fought your
Ill intentions?
You have reached into the skies,
But you have failed to reach
What's in your heart!
Uwais al-Qarni
"O Allah, You created me when I was not worthy of mention;
And You provided for me when I had nothing;
And I wronged my soul and sinned, and I confess my guilt.
If You forgive me, that will in no way diminish Your sovereignty;
And if You punish me, that will in no way augment Your authority.
You can find others to punish besides me,
But I can find no one to forgive me but You.
Truly, You are the most merciful of those who show mercy."
Bulleh Shah
You have learnt so much
And read a thousand books.
Have you ever read your Self?
You have gone to mosque and temple.
Have you ever visited your soul?
You are busy fighting Satan.
Have you ever fought your
Ill intentions?
You have reached into the skies,
But you have failed to reach
What's in your heart!
Yunus Emre
"My heart is the throne of the Beloved, the Beloved the heart's destiny: Whoever breaks another's heart will find no homecoming in this world or any other"
"No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?"
"The real dirt is not outside, but inside, in our hearts. We can wash all stains with water. The only one we can't remove is the grudge and the bad intentions sticking to our hearts"
Shams Tabrizi
"No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?"
"The real dirt is not outside, but inside, in our hearts. We can wash all stains with water. The only one we can't remove is the grudge and the bad intentions sticking to our hearts"
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